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The Importance of Data in Responsible Storytelling
Kaitlin Harasym

The Importance of Data in Responsible Storytelling

Kaitlin Harasym
October 16, 2024 10:00 AM
 min watch time
The Importance of Data in Responsible Storytelling

The Importance of Data in Responsible Storytelling

The days of brands making vague environmental claims are over. With the recent ACCC  crackdown on greenwashing, having the data to back up sustainability storytelling is more important than ever.

Join us for this timely discussion on leveraging sustainability data to drive responsible marketing and storytelling. This session will explore how data, when used effectively, can build trust and support meaningful for brands on their sustainability journey.

Our guest speaker, Amy Barry, is the Head of Marketing at Glen Dimplex and a seasoned marketing leader with over 20 years of experience across retail and wholesale industries. Known for her data-driven approach, Amy has successfully guided brands like The Good Guys, Anaconda, and Glen Dimplex in using data to influence both internal stakeholders and customers.

Her unique perspective on integrating purpose with performance ensures attendees will walk away with actionable insights on how to build credibility, avoid greenwashing, and drive measurable results.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Amy’s journey using sustainability data to influence business decisions at Glen Dimplex, The Good Guys, and Anaconda.
  • How data can combat ‘greenwashing’ and shape authentic, impactful brand messaging.
  • Practical insights into engaging internal teams and customers with sustainability goals and the efforts being made to achieve them.
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